Thursday, October 29, 2009


Do you know what counterfeiting means? It means to imitate. Do you know what imitate means. It means to copy someone in what they're doing or saying. Have you done it once in a while? I only do it once in a while. So, that I don't irritate anyone. Here are some sentence examples:
1.Their wives sent him baskets of chickens and ducks, and were lavish, it was said, of favours of a more tender kind; for in gallantry at least, the counterfeit was a not unworthy representative of the original.
2. And I had inadvertently chosen a time to cash the check when its worth as a counterfeit could be tested.
 Both sentences might mean different counterfeits. I will write the meanings:
1. To make a copy of, usually with the intent to defraud; forge
2. To make a pretense of
3. To carry on a deception; dissemble
Those are probably a few of  the other meanings used in the sentences. Ok, bye! Have an Early Happy Halloween because Halloween is tomorrow.

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