Friday, April 29, 2011

Standing Up for Rights

"Hey, there! Y'all okay?"
An old man with curly hair, the type black men have, gave it off. I was happy to know, he was my kind. He helped  me off the carriage.
"It's only me here! My mother sent  me to study here for a while."
"I'm sorry kid, but black children ain't allowed to go to school here in the South. Especially, girls."
"Why not?" I asked feeling dazed about the fact that I would have to go all the way back home to Canada.
"How 'bout you stay at my house for awhile. Eh?" he asked reading my mind.
"No, thanks,"I said,"I'd better be getting back home."
"Are you sure, young lassie? 'Tis better to get some rest or you may get sick. It's a long way home ya know. While you're here how 'bout you send a letter to your mama saying you're coming home because black children ain't gonna get to to go to school 'round here."
"Fine." I said, feeling confident about his idea....

Beware...this is a sad story...(Part 6)

When she reached home, her brother welcomed her with this, "Welcome, to the house of vampires! Suit yourself."
 She almost thought that her family was still a family of vampires until, he broke it with laughing out loud. Not like a vampire laugh but a human laugh. So, there our story ends.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Beware...this is a sad story...(Part 5)

The vamptessa took out her special GPS to help her spot humans. But, she found that there were no humans left in this town. Where had the girl gone? To the library of course. She found out that her whole town was infested with vampires. She concluded that her family must've been transformed into vampires also. She decided to read about it. Luckily, the doors were open. But, since no one was there, it gave an eerie feeling to the library. As she read on, she was very shocked to find out what had happened. She had to attack the life producer of this terrible vamptessa. That night, she crept into the bedroom of the vamptessa and instead, attacked the vamptessa first so as no harm would be put upon her. She found then a young girl's head. She noticed that this was the source of life.....wait a minute, had she just killed a young woman? She could not do anything about this but run away like a coward. Later, she found out a young girl had become a vamptessa. She just killed the vamptessa not the woman. She was so proud of herself. She just needed to make sure her family wasn't infested with vampires...

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Beware...this is a sad story...(Part 4)

Why should she care about the Dark Lady? In her mind after all, the Dark Lady was the one who brought her to this state. It happened though, that the girl started to enjoy being mean to others and could not get out of the habit. Whenever somebody hired her, the business seemed to start falling apart. Many said that she was a bad omen and would not hire her. She was what you would call an attractive girl by day and a vamptessa by night. Soon, though, she started to take over the town she had been in. Everybody, she thought, had been convertrd into vampires or vamptessas. But she missed one girl, one girl who had been working so hard on her homework, she did not even notice her older brother or parents gone from the house until she finished and started searching for them all over the house. (The next part  is kind of awkward and funny.) One day all the vampires shouted to her, "You have missed one O mighty one! She may be greater than you and the divine vamptessa." Not funny yet.....

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Beware...this is a sad story...(Part 3)

Evilness crept up the girl's back the very next morning. The Dark Lady was very amused by this and when the girl told her she did not feel good, the Dark Lady laughed delightfully for she had accomplished her task on a mere girl of 4. After all these weird happenings, the girl whose brain had not become crooked, decided to see how she looked. When she stared at herself, she shrieked with fear. She had seen something like this in a book. A vampire, but not exactly. So scared of herself, she did not even want one hand to touch her face as she wept, so she would just let her tears well up and pour from her eyes until it all dried up. As she grew up, she appeared to be eye candy, but pierced a man's heart with her sharp words, which I can not speak of in this story. "Delightful! Delightful!" the Dark Lady would say, appearing out of nowhere. But, the vamptessa,the girl, would turn her face on the sight of the Dark Lady....

Monday, April 25, 2011

Beware...this is a sad story...(Part 2)

Where she lived, many do not know. But, they do know that this girl, just this girl, had to be the one chosen as the maiden for the Dark Lady. When she was found, the girl was 4 and able to walk around and talk properly. So, what else did the Dark Lady do but tell the girl, "Get to work right away girl! I have no time for whining or crying! Git! Git!"
With the attitude, of a little girl, she would always shout at her,"Why?! Why?!"
The girl did not like this person but did not run away when the Dark Lady was about to capture her, because she had almost though this was her mother. As she stayed with the Dark Lady, she became dark. There was no one who could rescue her from this...this lady because she had become part of the "Dark Side" now.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Beware...this is a sad story...

It was a pitch-black,windy night. A girl stood there hugging herself in the cold as terrible memories  of her mother came to her. It was not her mother's fault, but a very absurd law that stated a woman had to get rid of her child at once, if it was a girl. Of course, what memories would be in this girl's mind but that her mother abandoned her because of hatred of her daughter. This girl who had some love in the edge of her heart still, for her mother, always had a hope within herself that her mother must be searching for her. Why does she still have that hope? Well, it had only be 2 years since her mother abandoned her. She cried now and then, and since she could not walk properly, she would occasionally scrape her knee. Her skin, day by day, became rough. She had but only one comfort which was a white kitten whom cozied her as she slept. Thus, her first word became kitty...

Friday, April 22, 2011

My Journal

Yesterday, I sang this with my friends:

Thursday, Thursday, gotta get down on Thursday,
Everybody's looking forward to Spring Break, Spring Break
Party and Party and yeah!
Party and Party and yeah!
Fun! Fun! Fun! Fun! looking forward to Spring Break!

Now, because Spring Break already started, I'm going to sing this:

Spring Break, Spring Break, gotta get down on Spring Break,
Everybody's looking forward to their tri-ips, tri-ips,
Roadtrips and Roadtrips and yeah!
Roadtrips and Roadtrips and yeah!
Fun! Fun! Fun! Fun! looking forward to Spring Break

Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Personality of Chrissy (Part 2)

Uh oh! Here goes Chrissy again.
It's ok though, we'll just continue. Pardon me if she disturbs us. She's not always like this. It's probably the Mayday Dance. Since, a month back she walked away from me, telling me that she had to practice her song for the talent show. I then went to the playground and did all the tricks I used to do with my IG friends. I spotted the place she was seated in. But, once I was done, and checked to see if Chrissy was still there, she was missing. I looked all around the play area. Then, finally, deciding that Chrissy, probably angry at me now, had ditched me. I planned to go to the library. Then, I saw her coming out of the bathroom and she looked like she was searching for something. But, I still felt she was angry at me. I then, quickly walked to the library, went to the yearbook section, and pulled out the year that Chrissy was in 4th grade. I stared at her picture for a very long time. (Elders say it is pretty rude.) Soon, the bell rang to end recess. Everybody who was with me in the library, started walking towards the playground. I followed them since I never had been to the library during recess, before. Then, Chrissy saw me and came up to me and said,"Where were you?"
I told her I went to the library and looked at the yearbooks. I asked her, "HEEEEEEEHEE. Yom Yom."

Oh, whatever. That was not the important part so it does not really matter. But, I feel terribly sorry for ditching Chrissy.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Personality of Chrissy

Duh, it was a time machine plan. Chrissy thought she could only finish it at the end of the school year, but she finished it during Spring Break! I told Chrissy to give me that paper she had grabbed from me some days back, to make sure that's what it was about. I put a dot that no one else would have noticed on the folds of the paper. When she gave it to me, I checked to see if the dot was there. It was there and I opened it up to find a time machine plan. But anyway, back to what we focused on last post.

May 25, 2011
It's Mayday Dance today! We girls already had our May Pole meeting like, a long time ago.
Don't mind that. It's just Chrissy in her crazy mood.(It's worse when she gets to know you face-to-face. She goes terribly crazy.) Anyway, I'll continue tomorrow morning when Chrissy is in her sleepy mood.....

P.S. Because I go crazy with her sometimes....

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

My Journal

Chrissy ran to someone telling me to wait. Then, I saw a piece of paper fly out of her pocket. For a second, I thought about returning it to her without reading it. Nevertheless, I was curious, when I was about to open it, Chrissy jumped and grabbed the paper from my hands. "What is it?"I had asked.

May 5, 2011
"OMG! Talent show tryouts are today for me!"I shouted to Nav.
(Oops!! Wrong place!)

May 25, 2011
Ok, now this is exciting! Today's "May Day Dance!"
(Chrissy! Stop going into the future! Let's continue our lives from here because it is the most fantastic day of all in this year! Except graduation, Science Camp, and swim party.) Now, you may guess what the paper was all about.

Monday, April 18, 2011

My Journal

Today, I get to see Chrissy. I'm thinking about writing a story about me and Chrissy. So here it goes.

The Personality of Chrissy

I always felt like I was following her around. "Chrissy!" (or) "Christina!" But what more could I do? She was my best friend. We mostly had the same tendencies to do things. Inside myself, I felt like I had known her since I was little. Now, in this story I feel like the IG people are our rivals. The reason being they thought that the CG was racist for them calling our group Indian and their group Chinese. What's the big deal about that? Huh? It's what you are people! Face it! So, yeah, I don't understand their point there anyway. One day, as me and Chrissy were walking down the halls for recess,.......

Sunday, April 17, 2011

My Journal

I've been talking about what me and Chrissy did over two school days. But, I did not even introduce us.

 Chrissy: My most best friend above all. In my opinion, she is never mean. Amazingly, I may be the only one who thinks that, but I'm not sure. She can go crazy at times. Otherwise, she is a very good friend.

Chrissy does have many friends at our next-year school also. I am hoping to be really good friends with Chrissy.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

My Journal

One lunch recess, me and Chrissy went to play "Capture the Ball." When we got there, we had to split teams. My side, I guess had a lot of good players because we won a whole game very quickly. After the game though, many people started taking a long time to earn the points. When we captured three balls, somebody on the other team, would take the balls we got and kick it to their side. After that, we had 1o' clock recess in which I was bored because Chrissy was making her solar oven. Then we had "Letter Reward," which is a time where if you did not get two write-ups in a week there are some activities we get to enjoy. This time we played kickball. For some reason, I failed. I had earned points for my team before but for some reason I did not win.

Friday, April 15, 2011

My Journal

", Chrissy, could I come over to your house?"
"Sorry, I can't today. How about Tuesday so we could study for the Science Test?"
"Aw........I'm not available then."
That's how it always went. Me and Chrissy were best friends but the days that worked out for her did not work for me and vice-versa. Me, Chrissy, Amber, Alice, and some boys would all play tag. But, now and then, something went wrong with the boys and they would walk away for no reason. Then, we would be left alone. And out of nowhere would come, IG's previous captain. She would take Alice with her. Then, when Chrissy and I start talking, Amber would just walk away with Alice and that person. At that point, me and Chrissy would talk or discuss something about one of them. Mostly, Alice. We were worried about how she was changing into a meanie. One time, we were so bored, that Chrissy asked what we should do during recess. I told her that we could probably work on some homework so we would be free at home with only a little homework to do, probably. But then everyday, the boys would change their minds and start playing again.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

My Journal

One thing I do not like at all is that a Republican is running for next year's president. He is Romney. I am not so sure things will be working well. It's tough to bring up U.S. into its original place again whether a Republican or Democrat did it. With budget cuts in elementary already, I'm wondering how middle school will be. We'll probably have "Early Release" and "No School" on many days next year. Let's just hope we can fix this all up soon.

Monday, April 11, 2011

My Journal

Gasoline Reaching High Prices

As some of you in America may have already noticed, gas prices are rising. I am not sure if this is true but I think California has the most average of prices. One time, I saw a gasoline station with the price of $4.21 per gallon for just regular gasoline. Most people say that the gas prices are rising mainly because they couldn't get crude oil. But, why can't they? The stirs in the Middle East are causing us to not have any crude oil. The Libyan rebels fighting for freedom from their ruler is an example. I just hope it won't be raised to something like $6.25 per gallon!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

My Journal

Many of you may not know about this, but in Japan another earthquake, 7.4 or 7.5 had happened or started in another part of Japan. They have had a Tsunami Alert on just in case.

Most of you should know somewhat a little about what I'm going to be talking about now. America is having a budget crisis. On Thursday, we will find out if the federal companies will be closing down or not. One example are the schools having budget cuts. NASA and the US Department of Agriculture are two examples. Let's hope there won't be any shutdown.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

My Journal

I'm still kind of a Johnnie-come-lately to my school although I have been here for 3 weeks in 5th grade and will be in 6th grade for the whole year. I know most of the rules at school.

 If you say something is cheesy, in other words you can say it is syrupy. Usually used to describe movies and books, alot of people do not enjoy these types of movies. Books that are turned into movies other than Disney ones, may be very syrupy or cheesy. I don't think syrup on cheese would taste good so I don't think these movies will be enjoyable to watch.

Friday, April 8, 2011

My Journal

 Can you keep a straight face when you are about to play a practical joke on someone? Depending on how funny the joke is, I can keep a straight face. Usually, though, girls have a hard time doing this because they can get the giggles. I used to laugh a lot. Now, I'm trying my best to hold my laughs. I only laugh if my friends have an embarrassing blooper. I have something funny to tell you now.

Yesterday, we had gone to the computer lab and we had to sit in number order. I'm #16. Behind me and in front of me were boys. The boy in front of me made farting noises the whole time our teacher had been gone. When she came in and started giving announcements, that boy, so consumed in making those noises, made a farting noise. Our teacher eyed him mostly as she continued to talk.

This may not seem funny to you, but if you actually witnessed it, you would know.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

My Journal

Are you lily-livered? Most of the time I am. Depending on the situation, I will chicken out on things. Another meaning of lily-livered is to be scared of rides like roller coasters or swinging hard on a swing or bungee jumping. For some reason, I feel sick after swinging on a swing for a while. I think this is because ever since I was little I hated wind in my face and know I'm gong on a swing that is open--air and the wind brushes against you. For me to not think about it, I just sing while I swing. That kind of rhymes! :) Now, teachers may have told you this when you were in kindergarten and people still do it in 6th grade. It is called snitching. Snitch means to tell on someone when somebody is in a grudge with someone else. But, people tell on someone even if it is not a big deal. It makes it into a situation like the story,"The Boy Who Cried Wolf." So please don't be a snitcher and more people will care about you even if you are not their friend.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

My Journal

Many people in this new generation to come, may be vidiots. Not necessarily meaning they are not smart just because they play video games, watch T.V. and the like. But because they are addicted to it. People that are not smart and are vidiots have to stop being vidiots and idiots and be more wise. Tee hee. I think that was a little too strong for your ears. Anyway, I'm practically taking a stand on this subject right now because it won't be a good result in the future.
 The picture below, I thought, was related to what I was talking about.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

My Journal

The Egyptian cobra which had been missing at the Bronx Zoo, March 26th has been found! Now, Bronx Zoo and The New York Daily are asking people in the public to vote for their favorite name for this mischievous cobra. Following are the options:
 - Agnes, which is Greek for pure or holy, and is also a reference to St. Agnes.

- Amaunet, an ancient Egyptian goddess, meaning 'the female hidden one."

- Cleopatra, the last ruler of ancient Egypt, who supposedly killed herself by means of an Egyptian cobra bite.

- Subira, which is Egyptian for patient.

- Mia, an abbreviation for Missing In Action.

Surprisingly, more people were excited and amazed about the cobra being lost rather than be scared. Its venom could kill a human in 15 minutes! But people were scared that the snake might slither down their chimney and somehow get into their homes. The zookeepers say they lured the snake in by scattering around rodent-scented shavings.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

My Journal

Did anybody watch the cricket games recently? India won against Pakistan and Sri Lanka. I'm not sure who they are playing next, but India sure is playing very mean. 

  Are any of you guys pretty laid-back? or Are you guys always tensed up and a worrywart? As you probably guessed, being laid-back means to be calm and relaxed. It does not necessarily mean to be lazy which probably most of you would have thought if I had not given you a clue.

"When the going gets tough, the tough get going."
This means when your surroundings are becoming too tough for you the tough people start helping. But this usually happens in places like businesses and schools. It is said the father of John F. Kennedy made this quote up. If somewhere other than businesses and schools are too tough for you it's better to leg it.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

My Journal

Would any of you go into a postmodem depression if you had to stay somewhere there were no electronics? Now if you guessed that it meant to be depressed because no electronics were around, you are right. Science Camp was pretty much a place where some people would not be in this depression, but would have been very sad to not be able to use electronics.

Does anyone get very thrilled if they get a  new e-mail or a new message on their cell phone? If they do, they have textual satisfaction. I don't really have textual satisfaction since I don't care about what I get in my e-mail or phone. Most people who have not used electronics in a while will have textual satisfaction though.

Friday, April 1, 2011

My Journal

Sept. 9, 2003

In this Know Your English archive, there are many different words that are introduced into everybody's wordrobe. Wordrobe being one of them, meaning your vocabulary. 

Fantabulous- combination of  fantastic and fabulous
Egosurfing- surfing the internet to see how many times your name appears
Cookie Pusher - one who flatters people in order to get ahead in life
                           - a lazy person
Worrywart - a person who always worries about things