Thursday, June 30, 2011


Original Date: Jan. 14, 2009
One morning in the weekends, I get up and find out it is cold and wet outside. There's no light just in my community. So, I go tot the Milpitas Library. It's nice and warm.. For some time, I do some work on the computer. Then, I do some math. I read 4 books. Then, I play some computer game. After that, I read about the Shoshone Tribe and carry on with my report on the Pomo Indians. Then, I go home with my mom. I eat my dinner, do Pixos, and then go to sleep.


                                                          THE END!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The Silly Boys of Homophones

Original Date: Jan. 13, 2009

Narrator: One day, two friends met each other at school.
Mark: Hay, how are you doing Carl?
Carl: Who, me? Eye am doing very good.
Narrator: Did you keep an eye on the homophones? Good Job!
Mark and Carl: Let's go bye some eyes cream.
Carl: Eye won't by any eyes cream from this man
Mark: Okay, buy eyes cream man!
Narrator: Suddenly, they got caught in the crowd.
Carl: Wear are you?
Mark: Are you hear?
Carl: I can't here you.
Narrator: They were suddenly taken into the scary part of the Wax Museum. Same area but different places.
Carl: Ewe, someone pored flower on me!
Mark: Carl, please come, eye am scared of this place. Wear are you?
Narrator: Sometime later, they found their way out and met each other.
Carl: That ws won scary place I've never been to.
Mark: Yep, I agree!
Narrator: They went their own directions home.

                                                            THE END!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

I'm the Hockey Puck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Original Date: Jan. 26, 2009

Hockey Puck: I hope I don't get hi.....
Coach: Start!
Hockey Stick: (Swap)
Hockey Puck: Aah! Ouch! Ouch! Aah! Ouch! Ouch! Aah! Ouch! Ouch! I meant to say I hope I don't get hit again. Can't these people stop hitting me? Don't they know it hurts? I'm going to plan something. I'll go to Super-Magic puck.
Narrator: He went there and got super-running powers. The next morning when the hockey players came and the coach said "Start!" Hockey puck started running.
Hockey Players: There's something fishy about this hockey puck.
Narrator: The hockey puck kept running into the nets until he kept on running into the same net he ran into before.
Wayne Gretzky's team: WE WON! WE WON!
Narrator: Wayne Gretzky's team threw the hockey puck and then caught him. Hockey puck was the champion.
Hockey Puck: Now I get all the attention!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Short Story

"Attention, we will be landing shortly."
"Mother, are we at the right place?" Camisha asked in her language so thus in a low tone.
"Yes!"she replied abruptly.
My mother left me standing there all alone and forgot me at the airport. Only when she had not come back for a day I decided she had abandoned me on purpose. I kept on calling my mother's name and lokking around but could not find her. At last, I found the person who she had stopped next to before ABANDONING me! She told me in a low whisper you're the only one in your family who is not a Sakarabru. She just left me there standing with a blank face, eyes wide open, and my mouth hanging open.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Sad, Scared, Excited

(sigh) The many feelings I have.

Sad: I will miss being a Beaver 6th grader and I'm sure all of us remember the times we enjoyed, strived, and failed. :) Next year, we won't be that same group of Beaver 6th graders but a group of Hawk 7th graders. But we won't get to be alone since we will be mixed with the Gophers, the Wildcats (maybe), and the Pioneers. But I know deep in every beaver's heart, (including the animal) they will know and remember truly who they were once....
Scared: The last ended very dramatically. I'm scared I have to give my Friday Speech on a humongous stage in front of an audience. I'm not sure whether or not I will have a big audience though. But either way staring at the audience while standing at the podium and speaking is not a fun experience at all. I know this from our rehearsals (and this time there will be parents watching also).
Excited: I'm excited since I'm going ?SOMEWHERE? soon.


Thursday, June 23, 2011

My Friday Speech

Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, you are gathered here today to discuss about a habit most people on Earth have: Watching TV. My name is "Mystery Girl" and I feel that watching TV is not a good use of time. Here are some reasons why:

1) It makes you very lazy and your eyesight will get damaged.
2) Watching TV while eating is another very bad habit many people have. Not only do you not know what is going into your mouth but this is one main cause of obesity. When you're not active and eat alot you basically become obese. 

So, one should think of a better way to use that time only if it is your free time to play outside. This is why I feel TV is not a good use of time. Thank you for lending your time to listen to my speech. I appreciate it very much.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Interesting Fact

Ok guys, what's 10+10/10? Simple question with no complications.
My answer:11
Unfortunately, many think the answer is 2.
Anyway, just wanted to discuss about this.
My summer camps are going pretty well and we have a speech to make on Friday. The songs I like are "Yeah 3x" by Chris Brown and "On the Floor" by Jennifer Lopez and if I'm right, Pitbull. Many of my friends like "Yeah 3x" by Chris Brown similar to me. But many of my friends make fun of the tune of "On the Floor." I guess it kind of sounds weird.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Summer Camp

Summer Camp is fun so far. I am going to Public Speaking. But today, we are going to be giving speeches for us to be elected president, vice president, treasurer, and secretary. I am participating in the fight to become secretary. I am not so sure I will win. It will probably be just like our student council election (voting for popular people). Well, that's how life goes and we can't deny it. I am really not the type that talks to everybody in my class or school whether popular or not. I am a very shy person who only talks properly to people I know very well like friends....

Monday, June 20, 2011

Blah, BLah,BLAh, BLAH

Sorry, peoples! Have to end story! I miss all my friends so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But at the same time, I'm excited about our trip over the summer and.......MIDDLE SCHOOL HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERE I COME! Not to boast....but the hawks rock!!! We won first place in the science fair at Washington D.C.!!!! There is a conflict going between middle school students on buzz about which middle school is the best, going by the smartest people. Anyway, that's practically it. Bye!!!!!!