Sunday, May 31, 2009


This is a marriage in India. I do not even know if what I’m going to type will make sense. The alliance between a bride, groom, and their children is formed in a chain. Oh, and the grandparents are included in a way too. So, first of all the parents of the bride and groom marry the bride and groom. Then, a few years later, they get children. The bride’s and groom’s parents are the grandparents of the bride and groom’s child or children.


Well, that’s the mess up for today. Bye!

Saturday, May 30, 2009


Have you ever seen India's allegory?It's a four-sided lion statue.I haven't seen it though.I've only seen it in books and pictures.Probably it is in the capital,New Delhi.Do you know the following....?

India's animal:tiger
India's tree:Banyan Tree
Colors of India's flag in order:Orange,White with a blue wheel in the middle of the white band,and green
India's bird:Peacock

The color saffron is supposed to symbolize courage, the color white peace, and the color green prosperity.
The chakrha (spinning wheel) originally at the center stood for Gandhi's spinning wheel, symbolizing self-sufficiency. It was later replaced by the Asoka Chara, the "wheel of the law" found in the emblems of the 3rd century BC Mauryan emperor Asoka

Friday, May 29, 2009


Just to tell you there's a girl who's mind is akin to mine.Her name is Roop.She likes to read like me.She even does math very well,meaning she does it to my level.We have a group called "The Three Musketeers."In the TTM group,we have me,Roop,and Meghana.Meghana is alittle different from me and Roop.But,otherwise,Meghana is akin to our minds too.That's why we're The Three Musketeers!

The end

Thursday, May 28, 2009


Not a True Story

There was a little girl walking back home from school.It was called Warwick School.She had gone ahead of her sister and brother.She waited for them after she crossed the road.As she waited,one black figure came up. She was frightened that it was a kidnapper.But, when she could see them little up closer,there were two figures.So,she waited to see who those two figures were.GUESS WHAT?...................................When the two figures held her hands she was aghast.They were none other than her...BROTHER AND SISTER! "PHEW!" She said to herself and went happily home.

The End

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Do you know about the earthquake in San Francisco?It happened in the year of 1906.

Well,I have in my Social Studies Book,a story from a girl who had survived the 1906 earthquake in San Francisco.She said that when the bricks began to crumble and tumble,her whole family and neighborhood came out with whatever they were wearing.There were a few aftermaths,but then everything was still.So, they were going into their house but on the way they were told that it might continue until night.They took whatever they needed for the night and they took a tent.Then they camped.The next morning,everything was fine so they went home happily ever after.

The End

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Affluence-The Word of the Day May 26,2009

Just saying any word in one single sentence isn't fun is it.You should imagine how fun it would be for me here,that too in the morning writing a story with only one vocabulary word. Well,anyway let's tell a story about wealth in other words affluence.
Once upon a time,a man's father was about to die.His father told his son he can have all the money that he left behind.But,he said on one condition that if he misuses the wealth he had,he would suffer.His son was half angel and half demon, angel because he didn't want his father to die and demon he wanted the money.Once,his father died he became a demon hogging all the affluence.He used the money for small little things and was misusing it for wants instead of needs.So,he became poor by the second and was reduced to beggary.In that job he remained until he died.

The End

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Affirmation - Word of the day May 21, 2009

Meghana: Sruti, did you hear? Someone got choked because when they were eating carrots,someone jabbed them in their throat.
Sruti:Are you sure?Could you affirm that they really got choked?
Meghana:Yep! Electra told me.
Sruti:You always do not know when someone is not telling you what really happened.Some people don't even smile when they lie.
Meghana:Ok, let's go to the place where it happened.
Narrator.They went to the place where it happened.
Sruti:See,I told you it was just a rumor.

The end

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Advisory-The Word of the Day May 20,2009

Have you ever not heeded your elder's advise (because I haven't heeded my elder's advise too.)
Whenever someone advisories you,You need to heed it.For example,you try to steal something from the refrigerator.Your parents find out and they advisory you. My mom says this if I try to steal something and she catches me in the act."You can keep on stealing however you want,but,one day, you will be caught."

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Admonish-The Word of the Day May 19,2009

One day, my mom told me to close the door where we keep pictures of gods,at night, before I sleep.
Then, in the morning after I take a bath and dress up,I have to open the door and pray to god.I had to repeat that every day. I forgot to do that yesterday and I didn't notice that.Today morning,after I took a bath,my mom admonished me about the job. That is how I noticed it. So,after I dressed up, I prayed to god and then I did my blog.Bye! See you tomorrow!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Adhere-The Word of the Day May18,2009

To understand what I'm going to say now,you must be an Indian girl.
Ok,have you ever slept with your Bindi on ? Well, if you have, you wake up in the morning and the Bindi is not on your forehead. Right? You look all over the ground and you don't find it.So,you just leave it. Then ,suddenly someone tells you or you notice that the Bindi has adhered to your arm. Isn't that funny? It's not? Wow!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

My Mother's Day gift

Dear Mother,

I love you because you help me with my projects.You also give me ideas on how to do a Book Report.I know you want me to be smart when I grow up because I want to be a doctor.Thank you for teaching me more than I need...

Here is a poem just for you :
My mother is a wonderful cook,
She knows the moves of a rook,
My mother,she does everything for me,
(Especially she pays the school fee)

Mystery girl

Adage-The Word of the Day May 17,2009

The word Hieroglyphs has originated from Greece. It is an adage. Hieroglyphs is an alphabetic system of Egypt.It has been written in cursive on papyrus and wood.The weird thing that Egyptologists prefer that is,many people say Hieroglyphics,but,Egyptologists prefer Hieroglyphs.Well,have you learnt something new too?Am I happy.Bye! See you tomorrow!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Ad Nauseam-The Word of the Day May 14,2009

On Friday,for lunch, I ate oily pasta.The next evening,I got to the very extent, ad nauseam. AD NAUSEAM!. It was 105 F. I really wanted to go to a concert that day,but I missed it. So, my mom took my little brother to buy some things at the grocery store. Then, they came home, and we all ate dinner happily. Then we slept.

Acupuncture-Word of the Day, May 12-13,2009

To me, my opinion is acupuncture is bad. Why should they insert needles through the skin? Isn't there any other way to cure a disease than a surgery called acupuncture? I, myself don't know if there's any other way you can do it other than surgery. Well, never mind that.Now, if you want to know where acupuncture originated,I'll tell you just in a second...1 minute please...Aha!Here it is...CHINA! CHINA! China? Hm?
Wow, I never knew it originated from China. If I hadn't studied the word acupuncture today,I wouldn't have known where it originated from or who's idea was it for acupuncture, (like which country.) Well, I think you learnt something new too. See you tomorrow! Bye!

Activist - Word of the Day! May 11, 2009

Mahatma Gandhi or Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (1869-1948).

One famous activist,Gandhi, was the father of our nation,India. Mahatma Gandhi was a lawyer.From 1893-1914 he lived in South Africa for opposing the discrimination against Indians.When Gandhi returned to India, he became an unanimous leader of the congress.In 1948 he got assassinated.An Indian man shot him.His name was Ghotsay.