Wednesday, July 27, 2011

India Trip!!!

We just came home from India on Saturday. It was such a sad departure but the flight time in all was very short compared to the time it took us to get to India. Rewind.............. It did not take very long for our shuttle to come and we reached the airport prettty quick. I liked the rotating machine doors. The doors although were fun they sensed when a person would get in and it would wait. When we got into the airport it was not full with people but there were people standing outside, ready to flood the airport.We checked in our baggage and ate some mint thing they had for us in a bowl at the counter. Beep! I think I heard something I did not want to hear. Ugh, security checks are terrible. At least today it is not crowded with many people. There was actually a whole group coming behind us consisting of 15-20 people. Phew! We escaped!...... 

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


At the YMCA camp, I go for gymnastics and it is pretty fun. My friend from school also goes to the YMCA but for a different camp Gaga camp. I'm pretty much happy she comes because I don't really know anybody else who comes there. We go on a bus to the gymnastics place and since this is my first time going to a gymnastics place it is pretty cool. There was one trick which was pretty tough to do on the bar so I didn't do good on it but otherwise it was pretty fun. Bye!!!!!!!!