Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Review of A Different Beat

A Different Beat is a book printed in 1996 and written by Candy Dawson Boyd. It's about a girl named Jessie who studies at OPA with three other girls. The group is called "The Fours." Jessie Williams is facing two problems: 1. Her dad wants her to keep her grades up or else she will be sent to Milton Middle School. 2. She has a rival at school named Addie Mae. IT is very tough for Jessie. But, later on she's able to manage her temper and able to manage to keep her grades up. This is not the whole story. Read the book if you want to know the story. Anyway, bye! I know this is a way different topic. But, that's because I lost my wordlist. Ok, toodle-oo! (Don't blame me if I spelled toodle-oo wrong. I have no idea how to spell it.)

Thursday, May 6, 2010


A GENIAL SUBSTANCE is a substance conductive in growth. For animals, exercise and food are the two main genial substances. For plants, water and the sun are two main genial substances. For fungi, it needs water and liquidy items for its survival. If you have noticed, I have been listing the five kingdoms. I know the last two. They are monera and protista. But, I have no idea what their genial substances are. OK, once I get the answer, I will edit and tell you. So, bye!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


There is again, more than one definition for genesis. But there's only two. (The successor of 1.) Anyway, don't look at what I put in the brackets. It has nothing to do with the definitions of genesis. By the way, the two definitions are: 1. The beginning or the origin of something or someone. 2. This second definition says See Table at Bible. I do not know what it means. Although, I think I may know what the second definition. The second definition has something to do with Christian Saints and Christian beliefs. It says Bible in it. Also, says origin. In the bible I read one sentence. It said something like "God created the World." That's what the second definition has to do with. The first definition means the regular definition: The beginning or the origin of something or someone.. Ok, I've been talking too much. So, bye!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Galvanize has 3 meanings. I will write all of them below: 1. To stimulate or shock with an electric current. 2. To arouse to awareness or action; spur. 3. To coat (iron or steel) with rust-resistant zinc. Those are all three. To me, only two of them are easy to write about. Which ones are they? That's one simple thing. The first two. Now, your activity is going to be which ones are the easiest to write for you. Then, you're going to give me a sentence with one of the one, two, or three definitions you chose. My sentence with the second definition: We should galvanize in helping the needy. Ok,bye! See ya!

Monday, May 3, 2010


Gait is a mannerism of how a person walks with their feet. Like a clumsy gait. A stable gait. I don't mean to bring up a bad subject, but when people are drunk and they walk, they have a clumsy gait. Now, that's because they're in a daze. Well, now I'll refrain from that subject. People that sit or stand or run or do any activity other than bending without keeping their back perfectly straight, will result in a crooked back. And you know how your back becomes crooked? It happens because you keep bending your spinal cord. See, if I got a thin metal piece and twisted it, that's exactly what's happening it's forming in the shape that you bend it into. So, please try to walk straight or else you know what will happen. Bye!