Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Do you know any asymmetric figure? I only know that any shape that has unequal sides is asymmetrical. Now can you guess what asymmetric means? If you don’t know, it means lacking symmetry. Lacking means it doesn’t have. So, you get it. If you know any asymmetrical shape, please tell me in your comments about this post.

Bye, The End!

Monday, June 29, 2009


Have you ever assimilated you and your friend’s height? If you were taller than them, would you laugh at them? Or if they were taller than you, would they laugh at you. It is really bad to laugh at people’s height though. So, don’t you ever laugh at them.

P.S.: I’m a shorty myself.

Ok, bye!

Saturday, June 27, 2009


North South Foundation Regionals Practice Words – Junior Vocabulary

There is this type of contest where you have to assess the number of things in a jar. If your guess is close to the number of things in the jar then you win a prize. It’s very fun. You just need a jar and some marbles or candy or something else to fill it up. The person who shows the jar to all of the people is the one who writes down the number of the things that they guessed and empties the jar to count how many there are. So, dear readers, (I don’t think there are any) you can try this game at home. Bye!

Friday, June 26, 2009


First. Who do you believe? A girl who reads Tinkle or me. I don’t know who you will choose. Well, anyway this is what the girl who reads Tinkle says: Your real parents treat you with asperity while if you had stepparents they would treat you nicely.

This is what I say: Your real parents treat you nicely while if you had stepparents they would treat you a little bad than your real parents. But not like Cinderella.

Thursday, June 25, 2009


Ok, if you are teaching someone something. Does the person start aspecting at something? If they do, and you wave your hand in front of the person. Do they say whoa or aah lightly, then that means they were in a trance not aspecting. Ok bye I can’t appease my hunger remember?

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Do you know what asexual means? I think it means the seeds or spores that are reproduced from a plant. I do not know science that much though. I just looked at the definition. Ha ha! I tricked you! Anyway, there are other meanings. But I don’t think they’re appropriate. Ok, if you ever look up asexual in Merriam Webster’s dictionary look at 2b’s definition or 2a’s. But I didn’t use that one for this. Ok, it sure looks like the coast is clear let me end this story now. Bye!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Do you know people who are not articulate? They are people who use sign language and other stuff to communicate. They also have their own, separate, school. We should also try to help these people by teaching them too. We can probably improve their knowledge by teaching. But, do not try to be like them. It first occurred maybe because of extreme sickness. So, never try to be like them. But you can help them.

The End

Monday, June 22, 2009


Have you heard of people boasting about their children? Saying that their child had arduous training when they didn’t really. That is a Big Fat Lie. Their children probably don’t know anything even if they did go. Only kids who love to study and do many subjects are the ones who learn something from their “arduous” training. To the people who said their child studied very well in the training, they might be scolding their child right now at home. So, please do not lie. Just don’t talk about that to another person if it is a lie. Bye-bye!

Sunday, June 21, 2009


Do you know, at school when we watch movies, we can only watch G movies and not even PG movies? Only G movies. They said only G movies are appropriate. Even if you’re a big kid! Well, anyway I like a few of the G movies. They’re OK. Well, Bye-bye!

Saturday, June 20, 2009


Whenever I try to hold my hunger, my hunger appeases me. It’s just so hard to hold my hunger. I don’t know why. Probably, if I eat when I’m hungry then I would feel way better. But, I can’t eat right now because I have breakfast at 9:00 on the weekends. I have breakfast in the weekdays at 7:30. I think writing is enough for today.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


I don’t know if you still remember about the Terror In Mumbai news. It was on the news when I had went to Lake Tahoe in November 2008. Indians were appalled to see murdering, stealing, and many other things. It was a scary day back in Mumbai. (It’s also called Bombay.) That’s where Bollywood is too! Ok, bye! Got a few chores to do, eat my breakafast, and then get ready to go to school.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Have you ever gone to an apex of a mountain? I almost did. But then, it was close to dinner time. So, we had to get down. (Actually, I haven’t climbed a mountain. Only on Coyote Hills.) So, this is just a story, basically. The End. Got to go.

Monday, June 15, 2009


Ok, now guess what this word means: Aperture. If you guessed it was a hole, then you’re right. Now I’m going to write a story about a snowy trip. One day, my family and I went to Strawberry. There we played in the snow. I went with my dad. We had all kinds of fun.

I sat on the bed made out of ice. I also ate some ice. Then my dad and I followed a trail made by people walking through the snow. I chose the hardest foot prints which were very deep. I put my foot in one aperture and all the water and ice was going through my shoes. I wasn’t scared but I was cold. With all the cold water rushing down my feet. How would I feel? Cold.

Sunday, June 14, 2009


Before I start blogging, does anyone look at my posts? I hope so. Ok, now to start with the word, apathetic. Have you been apathetic when someone teaches you something? Apathetic means not interested.Well, I suppose I am sometimes. To tell if you’re apathetic, you need to see if you remember things if someone teaches you. If you don’t remember, then you’re apathetic.

The end

Friday, June 12, 2009


I only know a Jataka Tale for this word. It’s a story about 4 men who eat mangoes. They didn’t know the mangoes were poisonous. Then, a caravan came the person told them that the mangoes they ate were poisonous. The person gave each of them an antidote. It counteracted at the effect and they threw up.

Dis eez zhe end my zear friends.

Thursday, June 11, 2009


You would never ever want to be an antic. You will not make enough money. Do you want to know what an antic is? I..I..I..I it’s a ……………….. BUFFOON! Do you know what buffoons are? They are clowns.

Have you been to the circus before? Well, those clowns are called antics or buffoons.

Well, ANTICS! Is the word. What I meant was that’s the word I have studied. Well, anyways, good-bye!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Do you know one of my ancestors was a famous Indian Classical music composer and singer? I’m an antecedent of him. His name is: Harikesa Nallur Muthiah Bhagavatar.

You may ask your parents if they know who he is. I only saw his face in Wikipedia Encyclopedia. I’ve also never heard of him until my mom told my singing teacher that I was related to him.

If you want to see pictures of him go to any site. But, you can only type in Muthiah Bhagavatar.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Maria la Ruiz de Burton:

Maria la Ruiz de Burton wrote a book called The Squatter and the Don.She wrote the book with her anonymous name The book was about how the rancheros and rancheras lost their ranchos to many people. For example, the people who came in the “Gold Rush” stole their land because they were staking their claim wherever they wanted. Same thing happened with the Native Americans. When the Native Americans were living in and around California, the 49ers staked their claims on the land the Native Americans were living on. Luckily they got reservations.



1.What instrument does a skeleton play?

The trombone.

2. What is Beethoven doing in his coffin?


3. What did the vampire say to the coffin?
Stop Coffin!

Monday, June 8, 2009


The library in the city where I used to live got annihilated for some reason. I’m sad because I love to read books. At least, there are other libraries in California. But that day, we had specifically marked that we would be there. So, instead we went to the Los Altos Library. They had tons and tons of books. I guess I borrowed a few. Then, I returned the books.

Sunday, June 7, 2009


Let’s get some social studies in your head. First of all, do you know the discrimination against the Chinese, Europeans, and Africans? Well, the Americans weren’t against discriminating to the Africans but racism. Those Negro slaves were treated with animosity and racism. So, we’re lucky that someone in our lives let everybody from every country come to California. But, guess what’s tomorrow for me and the rest of the week? The SATs!

Friday, June 5, 2009


Have you ever seen those compass types of things that have a rooster or horse on it? If the wind blows, the anemometer turns and whatever direction it points that is where wind is blowing. If it is blowing from the east then the wind is blowing from the east.

If it is blowing from the west then the wind is blowing from the west. Look for them when you’re in the car. They’ll be on top of houses or tool sheds.To make one yourself, you need four cups, a pencil, two pipe liners, and your mouth.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Have you went to a concert before?

Circle Yes or No.

If you have, Good! But, if you haven’t, Boo!

Sometimes, concerts are funny. When the person is singing or playing an instrument they might not hear it well.So, they amplify the speaker and makes a farting sound.Or,sometimes the person who’s singing or playing an instrument plays or sings loudly.Sometimes,I close my ears when they do that. Bye! I need to eat my breakfast.

Monday, June 1, 2009


Have you learnt about pirates at school yet? Well, pirates lay in ambush waiting to prey on THEIR enemies us. Most likely they attack us in an ambush. They attack us for one reason, because they want loot, loot, loot. Yet, you wouldn’t want to be a pirate because they get hanged for their stealing. So, can I make this a short story because I’m running late for school! Bye!